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Fee Model

Transparency and openness towards our investors are very important to us. Therefore, we would like to explain the background of our fee model.

Closing Fee

Commission on successful completion of the financing

5% for a participation of more than 50,000 €

7% for a participation between 10,000 € – 49,999 €

The commission is charged as a surcharge on your investment sum.

The brokerage commission is only payable if a startup is successfully financed. Gateway Venture’s services range from broad-based screening of startups, through due diligence, to deal structuring and the final closing of the deal. The key points of the Gateway Ventures service package are as follows:

● Intensive pre-selection of the best startups by Gateway Ventures (we screen 800-1,000 startups per year and finance 1-2% of them).

● Multi-stage due diligence process including interviewing experts of the network (crowdintelligence through our Expert Validation).

● Complete contract design by Gateway Ventures (no administrative effort for investors).

● Fiduciary management of the investments and representation by Gateway Ventures in the legal bodies of the startup. Direct investments for major lead investors are possible in individual cases.

● Networking of startups with the Gateway Ventures network – growth-promoting for your investment.

● Organisation of investor meetings to get to know the startup team and ask questions.

Success Fee

In case of a capital gains (exit / sale of your shares, dividends) the following success fee will be charged on the net profit of your investment (sales proceeds minus the initial investment sum).

● 7% for a participation of € 50,000 or more

● 10% for a participation between € 10,000 – € 49,999

The success of our investors is our success. We always try to support and accompany our startups through our network even after the financing is completed. Therefore, we link most of Gateway Venture’s success to the success of your investment.

Gateway Ventures receives a performance-based profit share of the amounts distributed to the investors from the profits of the startup investments. This means that when a company distributes profits or sales proceeds to investors, Gateway Ventures participates in this and thus underlines its own ambitions to finance the most successful companies possible.

Furthermore, the investors’ participation is managed by Gateway Ventures in trust throughout the entire term of the investment. We do not charge a current fee for this but link the administrative expenses (active activity as shareholder, reporting, administration, support of the trustees etc.) to a successful exit of the startup or the investor.