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Pre Series-A
Digital Economy

What speaks for an investment

Growth: monthly Revenue (MRR) tripled in 2022
Forecast: Full pipeline (945 inquiries from companies)
Timing: New sales partnership with DATEV (!)
Security: Profitable even without investment in Q4 ’23
Co-investors: among others top investor Heinz Raufer (Flixbus)


Lawyers, tax consultants, agencies, IT companies. They all record time for projects and customers. Although employee time is their most important resource, they usually have to rely on their gut feeling for planning and billing – which not only costs them revenue, but also capacity. The reason is an open secret: times are poorly recorded.

  • According to surveys, a halfway realistic recording costs 10-40 min. daily.
  • According to the study, despite this effort, the accuracy is only 36-67%.


timeBro automatically records all programs that are being worked with and displays the workday as a timeline – so employees can see at a glance how long they have been working on which projects.


  • TAM: €34.6 billion/year | SAM: €12.6 billion/year | SOM: €10.6 billion/year
  • Customers in over 50 industries | Top 3 (approx. 50%) = law firms, agencies, IT teams


Arne Reimann


Mislav Boras - TimeBro CTO - Gateway Ventures
Mislav Boras

Head of IT

Niclas Pre
Niclas Preisner


Bastian Brodbeck

Head of Dev


Our Dealcaptain is happy to answer further questions.

Dr. Andreas R. Boué